Thursday, June 26, 2008

Who knew packing involved babysitting?

The movers came today. Most everything is in boxes now- it finally looks like we are moving tomorrow! And while I am SO glad I didn't have to pack all of our junk, I was surprised to learn that hiring movers involves babysitting. The head mover brought his 6 year old grandson to work today. Something I think is pretty common as the kid told me he goes to work almost everyday. I think this is pretty sad as he should have been playing rather than roaming around my house messing with stuff. Luckily, I found Kevin's long lost PSP and set the kid up with a video game. This got me a new BFF- the kid would not leave my side almost all day and whenever I tried to get up he would pull me down and literally try to sit in my lap. Talk about not knowing what personal space is. I like kids and all- but this was ridiculous- seriously up in my grill and I hadn't known him for more that an hour. Sheesh! So anyway, the kid is sort of playing the video games- he didn't really know what he was doing, and he couldn't read the directions- but was more than happy to think he was scoring touchdown after touchdown when it was really the computer. Ten minutes into playing, this is how the conversation went:

Me: So, are you getting better?
Kid: Yeah, I like this thing.
Me: Cool.
Kid: So, can I have it?
Me: I don't think so.
Kid: Why not?
Me: Because Dr. HokieKev will miss it.
Me:Because he got it for his birthday and really really likes it.
Kid: Why?
Me: Because he thinks the games are cool.
Kid: Why?
Me: Because the Sony people make the games so people will think they are cool.
Kid: Why?
Me: Because thats the way the universe wants it.

The kid didn't question the universe but we did have this same conversation about seven more times throughout the day. The movers are coming back tomorrow and hopefully bringing enough boxes to pack the several drawers full of things they "forgot" to pack today. Maybe they will also bring some sort of magic machine that has the ability to suck a billion packing peanuts off a garage floor. Seriously- who thought of packing peanuts? Bubble wrap is does the same thing and is SO much easier to pick up off the garage floor.

(And for those of you wondering- yes, I do refer to Kevin as Dr. Hokiekev in real life conversations!)

1 comment:

MurrBev said...

I refer to Kevin as Dr.HokieKev in my thoughts... so it's no surprise that you call him that in person

he enjoys it doesn't he ;)