Friday, June 27, 2008

Um...why does my water taste like Tide?

The majority of our day was spent doing nothing, with nothing, on nothing while the movers packed our lives into a truck. And for the record, a truck that was almost too small to hold all of our junk. Had the movers actually packed EVERYTHING, it wouldn't have fit. But lucky for them they forgot a few things that are now shoved in my trunk disrupting the delicate balance that was our suitcases. I had such a great plan too- everything was placed in a way that was easily accessible and Dr. HokieKev's suitcase was ready to be opened in the car for random outfit grabbing instead of lugging the thing into each hotel should he want it that way. But I guess they say, even the best laid plans-, for a reason. I don't know the rest of this saying but I would imagine it would go along the lines of -get screwed by movers. Who knows?!?

Poor HokieKev almost jumped out of his skin with nothing to do all morning- no tv, no internet, no couch. All he had was brickbreak on his phone and a desk chair. I went on a quest across town to Cox cable to disconnect our services which the guy had no problem telling me I was not allowed to do. By this point I was also really hungry and all cableboy was doing was making me angry. Apparently since I was not on the account, they are afraid I was trying to sabotage Kevin by....OMG...disconnecting his cable!!! Seriously, what would he do without 4 MTVs none of which that actually play music. I think we were all a little happier when I returned from my quest with Panera- even though my frozen lemonade was a little less than frozen..

Once the movers were done, I headed off to get my nails done and procure some sort of external hard drive at Best Buy. Then I met the landlady to go over "damages" and basically tell her that she could schedule whatever cleaning services she needed too and deduct it from out deposit and that we just wanted to get out of there. A few bags of trash later and I was off to the gym. Exciting I know!

You see, the gym on Friday's is like entering the 8th level of hell. It is not very busy which means the floor instructors get bored and seek blood. I will not be able to move tomorrow but I guess that is ok since I will be spending most of the day in the car. So anyway, my lovely Nalgen bottle got packed so I had to settle for some regular old bottled water. Halfway through my workout, I went for some water and got a lovely whiff of Tide. Having not actually ingesting Tide, I imagine this is what it would taste like. Maybe it was just the smell but it was pretty gross. The lesson here is, never store your extra bottled water in the same cabinet as your laundry detergent. Luckily, this will no longer be a problem as our new apocalypto pantry is waiting for us in Utah.

Next Stop: Charleston, SC and yes, we know it is not on the way.

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