Monday, June 30, 2008

Good Ole Rocky Top...

Yesterday, we made the 6 hour trek from Charleston to Knoxville. The drive was nice- kind of reminded both of us of driving out to Blacksburg- lots of mountains and 18 wheelers. The drive was pretty uneventful. We stopped at one town in South Carolina, that looked like it had JUST been hit by a tornado, which was a bit interesting. The gas station was also the post office and it looked like the only other store around was the trailer outside the gas station selling jerseys and other Nascar memorabilia. We put 2 gallons in and left.

Fast forward to Knoxville. After navigating the broken interstate and several closed surface roads, we made our was to visit Lisa, Tom, Gwyneth, and Owen. We hadn't seen Tom and Lisa in almost four years and we had never met the kids. We had a great time going out to dinner and catching up. Owen slept pretty much the whole time- he is 3 months old so what can you expect. Gwyneth, who is two and a half, let her artistic side show while coloring a placemat and "making dinner" which basically involved putting ketchup on her chicken fingers and stirring it all around. After dinner, we all went back to their house and played with the kids for a while before Owen finally decided he was bored and went to sleep! Gwynnie and Kevin did a puzzle for a while and there was no way she was going to sleep anytime soon.

Overall, we had a great night and need to make a point not to wait four years before visiting with each other. Hopefully, Gwyneth went to bed soon after we left as mom and dad looked tired and she had previously been running around declaring "Gwynnie is nuts!"

Once again, I will post some pictures of Charleston and Knoxville soon.

States visited: Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee
Work Zones traveled through: 10
Cheapest gas seen: $3.81 in Georgia
Next Stop: Nashville, TN to get in touch with our country music side


Unknown said...

Stephen and I made the trip from Charleston to the Smokey Mountains right outside of Knoxville last summer and the interstate SUCKED! I couldn't believe how bad 40 was.

macel said...

and by stephen that should have said macel