Saturday, June 28, 2008

Cannonballs and Confederates

It is funny how the first place we ate when we moved to Gainesville was the last place we ate before we left! After a lovely breakfast, we hit the road around 11:00. Perfect timing for my 11:00 car nap. I sleep in cars- whether I am tired or not. If the drive is more that an hour, I am out like the fat kid in dodgeball. I also managed to get something on my lovely khaki skirt 5 minutes into our voyage, go figure on that one. So me asleep and Dr. HokieKev driving is how we began the first leg or our trip.

I woke up somewhere around Jacksonville, just in time to snap a picture of the WELCOME TO GEORGIA sign as we were passing. I then proceeded to read (skim) the entire Frommers US. Good Times! Fast forward a few hours and we arrived in Charleston. Charleston is your pretty standard antebellum town- well, maybe one of two pretty standard antebellum towns (Savannah, GA being the other) with big houses and lots of Confederate memorabilia. We hit up a couple parks, took some pictures of some dead guys and cannons, looked at some cool old houses that were WAY expensive, hit up the slave market (which has been turned into a flea markety place but with nicer stuff), and ended our jaunt at a Haagen-Dazs for a Mint Chip Dazzler. I swear Dr. HokieKev can sniff them out from a mile away.

The city is pretty cool but it is REALLY humid here. One of the parks we went to had several fountains full of frolicking children. HokieKev would not let me play in the fountain, something about getting the camera wet. This evening we met Kevin's boss for a seafood dinner in an old naval building on the water. I believe it was called Fleet Street. The food was pretty good and the breeze from the water cut right through the humidity which was a nice change of pace from our earlier walk.

I will post some pictures tomorrow since I left the camera in the car. Until then, I leave you with these facts.

States visited: Florida, Georgia, South Carolina
Work Zones traveled through: At least 4- this statistic will be skewed, I sleep in cars!
Cheapest gas seen: $3.81
Next Stop: Knoxville, TN to visit the Lisa, Tom, Gwyneth, and Owen 0=)

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