Sunday, July 6, 2008

Ogden- The Sin City of Utah

Last night we stayed in Ogden- only 45 minutes away from the new house. As we were driving around looking for dinner I could immediately see that Ogden was the outcast town. Bars, "Adult" stores, pictures of scantily clad girls on posters, dance halls that looked like strip clubs (although I don't think they were but all the windows were painted over), late night entertainment options. Very salacious for these parts!!! So anyway, were tried to go out to a Mongolian BBQ but it was closed- in fact most everything was closed. We ended up driving through a canyon to the number one rated restaurant in Ogden. It was basically an old farmhouse that had been converted into a restaurant and the waitress made fun of Dr. HokieKev for not eating his veggies. Instead of dinner rolls, they gave you cinnamon rolls. Anyplace that gives you cinnamon rolls is alright by me even if they did fry my chicken instead of grilling it as I had ordered. The place even served wine and beer including such microbrews as Polygamy Porter.

Anyhow- on the drive back tot he hotel we saw a motorcycle gang complete with do-ragged women. Dr. HokieKev commented that strange things happen in the west. I mentioned that Logan didn't seem all that strange and he said that was because it was so conservative. I am SO getting kicked out of Utah. Seriously, the first thing I plan to do is put up the wine rack from our first anniversary that still lives in its cozy Pottery Barn box. After a little searching, I have discovered that there are 5 wineries in Utah and one makes Reisling so I will also be able to fill up said wine rack. I have several pieces of clothing and at least one bathing suit that will probably be scoffed at should they ever make it out of the closet. Especially the bathing suit, it may have to wait until trips to Florida to visit Kevin's mom. No one seems to mind it there. Weddings should not be a problem as the debauchery tends to occur after several drinks and drinking is not a real big thing in these parts so I should be okay with that. We probably won't be invited to any anyway because they are usually in the Temple and non-Mormons can't go into Temples. Kevin is happy about that one- weddings really aren't his things.

I will leave you with the last set of pictures from our trip. These are from Kansas and Denver. The Utah sign is in there as well. We missed Wyoming because it was hidden behind a work zone. Damn work zones!

States visited: Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah
Work Zones traveled through: 34
Cheapest gas seen: $3.77 in Kansas
Baseball Games attended: 3
Next Stop: Back to our house, hopefully meeting our stuff


Marta said...

Hi guys. Nice blog! It was great to spend 4th of July with you and share my 1st baseball game. I was able to brag a lot about it at work today :)

Ann, I stole some of your pictures. Thanks...

Enjoy your home and the unpacking process!


I think you should name your cow "Bessie" after Kevin's grandmother. Since she was after all riding on Kevin's shoulder. Mommy Heaslip