Friday, July 11, 2008

No Modern Convienences!

We don't have internet in the house yet. Well, I take that back- Kevin has a Verizon card that only works on his computer because my computer refuses to recognize it. The neighbors all have secured their wireless so jerks like me don't try to steal it. One neighbor somewhere has unsecured wireless which is what I am using right now but here is the problem- to connect to it I have to sit on the stairs by the front door, wrap my left toe in tin foil, stick my right leg exactly 1.4 feet from the nearest large metal object, and cross my fingers that this actually works. Seriously, how am I supposed to know when Angelina Jolie pops out those babies if I don't have a reliable internet connection.

We also don't have working TV on all the televisions. See, we moved into "man house." The problem with "man house" is that there are a lot of wires and boxes and connecty things. It was also wired for Non-HD Dish Network, Kevin wants HD DirectTV. To achieve this we have to have several groups of men with tools and some knowledge of wires to come over and rehook things up. We also have to buy a new HD box because for some reason dude who used to live here put HD TVs up but refused to use the HD feature. Dude who used to live here also didn't run cables to the basement- which I still don't get as he did have a television down there, I saw it. As of right now, we can watch TV on our old television in the corner of the living room. The rest won't be fixed until we get back from our trip.

Our trip has also changed. We will no longer be driving down the west coast. Something about million dollar gas and more long hours in a car. Instead we will be flying to Seattle tomorrow, San Fran on Tuesday, New York on Wednesday, and back to San Fran the following Monday. Except the last part- well we will be jumping off the plane in Vegas, well, not literally jumping- just purposefully missing our connection. From there, we will drive to LA or the Grand Canyon I really don't know if Kevin has decided yet. We will also be mailing a suitcase back from New York- damn airlines and their stupid "you can only bring 3 ounces of anything on a plane" and "you have to pay extra for checking your bags" rules. Maybe while we are gone the unpacking gnomes will sneak in and everything will be put away. But I doubt it.

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