Friday, August 1, 2008

Vegas Baby!

Our time in Las Vegas started with a cab driver who evidently thought we were stupid. It took him 20 minutes to go the three miles from the airport to the strip...somehow the shuttle guy on the way back managed to get us there in 5....hmmmm....

Once we got to the Luxor, Dr. HokieKev tried the $20 trick again and we were upgraded to a whirlpool suite on the first floor. This suite was no where as suite-like as the one in NYC but it was nice to have the whirlpool and be on the strip. That is...until our neighbors started up their whirlpool promptly at 7am the next morning. All we heard for a good half hour was the filling of the tub and the whirring of the motor.

Vegas wasn't very kind to Dr. HokieKev this time around. I only lost $2.50. Unless you count the clothes I bought, but then again I have something to show for those purchases. In all honesty, this trip to Vegas wasn't as exciting as the last and we decided to cut it short. By this point, we had been on the road for almost three weeks and were tired and sick of living out of suitcases. So...we had an early anniversary dinner at a restaurant called The Grotto and spent the rest of the evening in the downtown area where prices aren't as high and people aren't as skanky.

I didn't take any pictures this time around but if you really need a Vegas picture fix you can check out these from our trip in July 2005. I think there are some Hoover Dam pictures in there too. Enjoy!

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